By Dan Caplinger, February 1, 2007
This article talks about how when people find a good method for cutting their tax bills, they tend to use it as much as they can, for example making gifts to charitable organizations. Judging from the amount of money and effort that businesses and individuals expend, it's clear that paying less in taxes is a top priority throug
Relationship to Chapter 4 - Income tax
The book talks about all the types of taxes that we have in BC write now and much more. For example, direct tax, progressive tax, proportional tax, regressive tax and marginal tax. These all are, in some way or another, related to income tax. The article is about how the people are trying, illegally, to cut their taxes so they do not have to pay any taxes or they pay less taxes. The book goes into how the taxes are calculated and how large or small a tax cut can or can not be. It tells us how some people are in debt because of the high tax rates that BC is not going to put down for a long time, and even if they do, they will still increase something to keep the high debts that the people already have. Eventhough Canada is trying to be fair to everyone with putting the progressive form of taxtion on income, the people are still trying to get rid of the taxation by donating to charities or doing something else that is illegal or not right for them and the economy.
Personal Reflection -
I never knew that you coud decrease the amount of tax that you pay jsut by donating something to an organization. It is nice that their taxes go down when they donate something to a charity, but beacause of this they are trying to, illegally, cut all their taxes off by donating something and writing down something else. I do not think that the government should even allow this, meaning allow the reduction of the amount of tax that should be paid by donating something to a charitable organization. When giving something to charity , you are supposed to have an open and kind mind, but because of this reduction by donating law the people just pay something for their own greed. They give away something little to an organization, but at the end the profit goes to the donator. The donator will have more money left over to spend or to save. This is not fair to the poor, who can not give anything to the charitable organization, so they get stuck with paying their full tax. They should outlaw this rule, because it is not equal among everyone in the province/country and it makes people even more selfish about money than they already are.